Health Tech Cluster Switzerland has further developed its branding and launched the new website with a multi-channel implementation. Both the website and the digital newsletter are convincing in a new, fresh design, and the cluster uses specific event labels to communicate the events of partners and members. With “Health Tech Start-ups”, Health Tech Cluster now also offers a specific program to promote start-up companies. Health Tech Cluster has also published a new image brochure as part of the further development of its presence. The brochure introduces the cluster and provides information about services, activities, members and strategic partners. It is available in German and English. Life Science Communication took over the strategic (further) development of the national and international appearance of the Health Tech Cluster. This includes naming and the creation of event labels as well as the design of newsletters and brochures.

Health Tech Cluster Switzerland is a network of manufacturers, suppliers, research and educational institutions as well as service providers and investors in the field of health technologies. The cluster brings together companies from the fields of medical technology, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, diagnostics and healthcare in a profitable way, thus increasing added value.
