Louise Brown, the first in vitro baby to be born, recently visited Switzerland for the first time. At the Ferring International Center headquarters in Saint-Prex, she told her story and gave interviews to the employees and media representatives. The picture shows Louise Brown next to an oversized baby made of 50,000 Lego bricks. The Lego baby is dedicated to the approximately 500,000 babies who are born worldwide every year by in vitro fertilization (IVF). Louise Brown is an ambassador who is committed to facilitating access to IVF treatment and giving all potential parents the opportunity to start a family. Since Louise was born in 1978, over 8 million families have been founded worldwide thanks to IVF. Life Science Communication supports Ferring International Center in its communication strategy and media relations.
Video from the program “Check Up” on TeleZueri on the subject of artificial insemination