In action for people with epilepsy

In action for people with epilepsy

About 80,000 people in Switzerland are forced to expect a seizure at any time, which can have a major impact on their everyday lives. In 2022, Life Science Communication launched an online campaign for people with epilepsy on behalf of Epi-Suisse. The Italian company...

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Like every good story, our 2024, too, is coming to an end…

Like every good story, our 2024, too, is coming to an end…

  … but this was by no means our last chapter. On the contrary: we are looking forward to continuing our story – and that of our clients – and to creating exciting storylines together in 2025. We wish you a very happy festive season and all the best for a...

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A Compass for Health

A Compass for Health

In the autumn, the new Gesundheitskompass Foundation presented itself to the public. Emerging from the Dialogue Ethics Foundation, it offers comprehensive, ethical case management that optimally supports, accompanies, and connects people in difficult and complex...

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Labour as a resource at the 2024 Selo symposium

Labour as a resource at the 2024 Selo symposium

With a mental illness, work is not necessarily a burden for those affected. On the contrary: without work, a large part of the daily structure is missing and often there is no social network, which can exacerbate certain symptoms. Dr Jochen Uebel, Head of Work...

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Longevity: age healthier and live longer

Longevity: age healthier and live longer

Longevity is not the same as long life expectancy. The term "longevity" places the so-called "health span" at the center of the discussion. This refers to the period in which a person is healthy during their lifetime. Figures show that an increase in life expectancy...

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EUPATI CH wants to strengthen the voice of patients

EUPATI CH wants to strengthen the voice of patients

The need to involve patients in all aspects of the healthcare system is no longer questioned. To ensure that patient participation can be exercised even more effectively in the future, the EUPATI CH association trains qualified patients to become patient experts. 20...

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Swiss Biotech Day 2024 once again sets new attendance record

Swiss Biotech Day 2024 once again sets new attendance record

The rendezvous of the Swiss biotechnology industry took place in Basel from April 22 to 23. With over 2,500 participants, more than 40% of whom came from 75 countries, Swiss Biotech Day, which was launched by the Swiss Biotech Association, has long since become an...

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Even closer to the life sciences!

Even closer to the life sciences!

Dear clients, partners and friends of the agency, After 12 years at the Europaallee quarter in Zurich, we are moving our head office to the university and ETH campus in Zurich and thus even closer to the life sciences. Thank you for your interest and looking forward...

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Selo symposium 2024: Mental problems as a mirror of society

Selo symposium 2024: Mental problems as a mirror of society

The Selo symposium, a national trialogue event for those affected, interested parties and professionals, will take place for the 14th time on 30 October 2024. The range of topics is once again high-calibre and dedicated to the overarching question of the extent to...

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Dialog Ethik Symposium with handover of the torch

Dialog Ethik Symposium with handover of the torch

The Dialog Ethik Foundation has been contributing for 25 years for a healthcare system that respectfully takes into account the situation of patients and in which resources and access to services are distributed fairly. Important medical decisions should be discussed...

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Joining forces and small molecules against infectious diseases

Joining forces and small molecules against infectious diseases

In order to be better prepared for future pandemics, the European Commission has launched the €50 million call "Pandemic preparedness and response: Broad spectrum anti-viral therapeutics for infectious diseases with epidemic potential" as part of the Horizon research...

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Filming research projects for the SNSF

Filming research projects for the SNSF

As part of the knowledge transfer for the National Research Programme "Covid-19" (NRP 78) of the Swiss National Science Foundation, Life Science Communication was allowed to document various research projects on film. The result is an entertaining series of...

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Office of EUPATI CH Switzerland transferred

Office of EUPATI CH Switzerland transferred

The European Patients' Academy on Therapeutic Innovation (EUPATI) is a non-profit foundation in the Netherlands that offers education and training to improve the opportunities and skills of patients and patient representatives so that they can better understand...

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«Humboldt, the explorer» pays a visit to Yverdon-les-Bains

«Humboldt, the explorer» pays a visit to Yverdon-les-Bains

The mobile exhibition «Humboldt, the Explorer» is continuing its journey. Its next stop will be in Yverdon-les-Bains in the canton of Vaud. From 7 to 21 February 2024, it will be open to the public for a two-week interactive experience on the premises of the...

read more – Reporting platform for patients and relatives – Reporting platform for patients and relatives is a new reporting platform where patients and relatives can directly report specific incidents or personal experiences. The platform is operated jointly by the Swiss Patient Organisation SPO and the Swiss Patient Safety Foundation and aims to strengthen the...

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FOPH draws a positive interim balance of the HTA programme

FOPH draws a positive interim balance of the HTA programme

75 million francs in annual costs have been saved so far, with a potential of a further 60 million francs. This is the interim result of the HTA programme, which was launched by the federal government in 2016. Health Technology Assessments are used to comprehensively...

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Patient Safety Switzerland with a new website

Patient Safety Switzerland with a new website

For 20 years, the Patient Safety Switzerland Foundation has been committed to consistently improving patient safety in Swiss healthcare institutions through quality programmes, quality projects and various services. As a national competence centre, it is committed to...

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Humboldt in Hottingen

Humboldt in Hottingen

In early September, Alexander von Humboldt, the famous global explorer, visited the Hottingen Cantonal School in Zurich. More precisely, it was the exhibition conceived by the "Science for All" association to commemorate the 250th anniversary of Humboldt's birth. For...

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Gene therapy against rare diseases

Gene therapy against rare diseases

A Disease is considered rare if it affects no more than five in 10,000 people. Many rare diseases are genetic and occur at birth and in childhood. With the progressive development of gene therapy, attempts are being made to correct the malfunctioning of the defective...

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Mobile Exhibition «Humboldt, the Explorer» on tour again

Mobile Exhibition «Humboldt, the Explorer» on tour again

The exhibition will make its first stop in 2023 at the Zurich Kantonsschule Hottingen. After a break of about one and a half years due to the corona pandemic, it will be on show in the auditorium for five days in the first week of September. Visitors will have the...

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New impulses in fertility therapy

New impulses in fertility therapy

Following the National Council, the Council of States approved a parliamentary motion in September 2022 to allow egg donation. This will remove a major obstacle for infertile couples in Switzerland to fulfil their desire to have a child. But until the law is...

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Antibody therapies against rare blood cancers

Antibody therapies against rare blood cancers

With one new case per 100,000 inhabitants per year, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) is a rare disease. The insidious thing about this incurable blood tumour is that it mainly manifests itself in the skin. Patients suffer from severe itching and develop red patches....

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A new web appearance for Positive Council Switzerland

A new web appearance for Positive Council Switzerland

For one part of society an almost forgotten topic, for another highly relevant - HIV, hepatitis and co-infections. In addition to the medical challenges, affected people still have to struggle with discrimination and stigmatisation. Positive Council Switzerland is an...

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For a better life with epilepsy

For a better life with epilepsy

An estimated 80,000 people live with epilepsy in Switzerland. Life Science Communication has been working on this on behalf of Epi-Suisse to launch the awareness and education campaign with the hashtag #Epilepsy Why in May 2022. The campaign aims to raise awareness...

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Lively participation at the Selo symposium 2022

Lively participation at the Selo symposium 2022

More than 100 participants flocked to the Burgbach Hall in Zug on November 9 for the 12th Selo symposium, including many association members, other sufferers and numerous experts from the fields of medicine, psychology and social services. Under the headline...

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Tips from Tanja Grandits: The new Santé

Tips from Tanja Grandits: The new Santé

The Santé is the special edition of Touring magazine, which with 1.4 million copies is the most successful magazine for mobility topics. The content of Santé, on the other hand, revolves around health and well-being. In the current issue, you can find out how to plan...

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Monkeypox – what do we know?

Monkeypox – what do we know?

The sigh of relief after Corona has not lasted long, and already there comes a new announcement from the WHO: monkeypox! But will this virus lead to a pandemic again? And where does it actually come from? Since May 2022, an accumulation of monkeypox cases was...

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Selo Symposium 2022: Burnout, exhaustion – Long Covid?

Selo Symposium 2022: Burnout, exhaustion – Long Covid?

This year's Selo symposium will focus on one of the most important aspects of the pandemic - its impact on the psyche. For many people, the last few years have been marked by loneliness and worries about a secure future due to the measures and the lockdown. At the...

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Lots of agreement at the dialogue event of NRP 78 and the sgv

Lots of agreement at the dialogue event of NRP 78 and the sgv

The dialogue event of the National Research Program "Covid-19" (NRP 78) and the Swiss Trade Association (sgv) took place in Bern at the end of August. Kickoff were the input presentations for the research side from Annelies Wilder-Smith, Professor at the London School...

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“Together for safe medication”

“Together for safe medication”

Most people use medications throughout their lives. Medications help us to cure diseases or live better with them. However, when used incorrectly, they can also cause harm, for example when there is overuse or underuse, or when medications are administered...

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Santé, the special supplement of Touring Magazine

Santé, the special supplement of Touring Magazine

The supplement "Santé" of the Touring Magazine is published by the Touring Club Schweiz TCS and with more than 1.5 million copies it is one of Switzerland largest public magazines. It presents topics around health and medicine. Life Science Communication is...

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Off to Interlaken for the NRP 78

Off to Interlaken for the NRP 78

Fortunately, the program conference of the NRP 78 could take place face-to-face again this year and Life Science Communication was allowed to organize and accompany it. Around 100 researchers met in the Kursaal Interlaken. The program was complemented by an excursion...

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#EpilepsyWhy – the new campaign from Epi-Suisse

#EpilepsyWhy – the new campaign from Epi-Suisse

Epi-Suisse's new awareness and education campaign with the hashtag #EpilepsyWhy was launched in mid-May 2022. With unexpected questions, the Swiss Epilepsy patient organisation aims to arouse curiosity and draw attention to the challenges the disease brings with it....

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Selo symposium on mental health

Selo symposium on mental health

The Selo symposium will take place this year on Wednesday, November 9 in the Burgbach Hall in Zug. The symposium deals with various topics related to mental illness. This year, the focus is on the longer-term effects on mental health of the Corona pandemic. Michael...

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Research is vital for the survival of patients

Research is vital for the survival of patients

On 13 February 2022, the Swiss electorate will decide on the popular initiative "Yes to a ban on animal and human experimentation". The initiative calls for a ban on all experiments on animals and humans and, in addition, a ban on the trade and approval of medicines...

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Selo symposium on burnout and depression in the world of work

Selo symposium on burnout and depression in the world of work

For the 11th time the Selo symposium took place in Zug, Switzerland, on November 9, 2021. After a long time being isolated, participants enjoyed the opportunity to meet in person and engaged in lively discussions. This year's symposium was focused on "Burnout and...

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Brain Days in Sarnen

Brain Days in Sarnen

On Sunday 17 October, the Brain Days exhibition opens its doors as part of the "Aktionstage Demenz" in Sarnen. As the conclusion of the project "dementia-friendly community Sarnen", visitors can explore the topic of dementia with the help of various lectures and...

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Selo symposium – November 9, 2021

Selo symposium – November 9, 2021

"Burnout and depression in the working environment -. Mental illnesses caused by stress and pandemic-related strains". Life Science Communication is organising the Selo conference for the eleventh time. After being held online due to the pandemic in 2020, every effort...

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Filler advert platform expands to French-speaking Switzerland

Filler advert platform expands to French-speaking Switzerland

For over a year now, NPOs and aid organisations have been able to make their filler advertisements easily accessible on the platform Fü and benefit from a promotion service addressing over 400 media and publishing addresses. Due to the great demand, the...

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Tackling malnutrition in the elderly

Tackling malnutrition in the elderly

The pharmaceutical company Abbott has been active in the field of nutrition since 1900. In the areas of malnutrition, sip feeds and tube feeds, Life Science Communication accompanies the latest brand campaigns in Switzerland in four languages. Patient brochures,...

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Run, swim and cycle – donations for Alzheimer’s research

Run, swim and cycle – donations for Alzheimer’s research

Endurance and perseverance are top priorities in both the triathlon and Alzheimer's research. The scientist Pierre De Rossi, whose research work at the University of Zurich is supported by the Synapsis Foundation, will take part in the Uster Triathlon in July. With...

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Special supplement “Santé” – Touring Club Switzerland

Special supplement “Santé” – Touring Club Switzerland

With a circulation of 1.4 million copies, the TCS Touring magazine is the largest and most important magazine for mobility and leisure in Switzerland. The 2021 summer edition of the magazine includes a 32-page supplement "Santé" in German and French. The issue is...

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Publication: Against social isolation

Publication: Against social isolation

Social loneliness has been a concept for many since the pandemic. Hansruedi Völkle and Mark Bächer have written a technical article on the occasion of the Swiss Patient Forum 2021 of Eupati CH on topics such as the importance of communication in times of the pandemic,...

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ALK Switzerland – For a life without allergies

ALK Switzerland – For a life without allergies

ALK-Abéllo AG is a research-driven global company headquartered in Denmark with nearly 100 years of experience dedicated to the health and well-being of people with allergies. The specific immunotherapies and symptomatic treatments for allergies are based on natural...

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PTC Therapeutics – Every moment counts

PTC Therapeutics – Every moment counts

PTC Therapeutics is a global biopharmaceutical company from the USA that focuses on innovative small molecules and gene therapies for rare genetic diseases such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) or AADC deficiency. Children as patients are a special challenge for...

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Head of Communication of NRP 78 “Covid-19”

Head of Communication of NRP 78 “Covid-19”

The SNSF has launched a National Research Program on Covid-19 in summer 2020. The NRP 78 will support research projects that aim to provide new insights into the coronavirus (SARS-CoV2), the spread and impact of Covid-19 diseases, and epidemiological, immunological...

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Swiss Patient Forum 2021: “Patients in a pandemic”.

Swiss Patient Forum 2021: “Patients in a pandemic”.

Eupati Switzerland's Swiss Patient Forum is starting its fourth round. On March 19, 2021, representatives of patient organizations will meet with stakeholders from the healthcare sector for an exchange on "Patients in a Pandemic". The event will be held in German. The...

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Vaccinated: Can I still get infected?

Vaccinated: Can I still get infected?

In a retirement and nursing center in Germany, 14 seniors recently contracted the British Corona variant despite being vaccinated twice. Such events raise the question of how well the Covid -19 vaccine actually protects and whether one can continue to infect others...

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There for you, virtually

There for you, virtually

Covid-19 has brought various changes in our everyday lives, and above all it has triggered a huge digitalization push. This has made location-independent collaboration far easier. In times of a lockdown, virtual meetings are therefore becoming increasingly important...

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Strategy update for biotech company TOLREMO therapeutics AG

Strategy update for biotech company TOLREMO therapeutics AG

The biotech start-up company TOLREMO therapeutics AG develops small molecule drugs that are combined with existing standard cancer therapies to prevent the development of resistance in tumour cells from the outset. The goal is to achieve a better response rate, longer...

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When will the vaccine against COVID-19 be available?

When will the vaccine against COVID-19 be available?

More than 150 research projects are underway worldwide with the aim of finding a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2. Great hopes are placed on this vaccine research, as the treatment of people with the disease is more expensive than the preventive measures of vaccination....

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Science Communications and Media Use in the Era of COVID-19

Science Communications and Media Use in the Era of COVID-19

With the decrease in the number of cases and the relaxation of the protective measures, it is also worthwhile to take a look at communications during COVID-19 and its perception. In general, science communication in Switzerland has a very high credibility compared to...

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Corona virus Update

Corona virus Update

The Sars-CoV 2 pandemic has given our daily vocabulary a new word: Lockdown. Whole countries are at a standstill, the population stays at home, and the economy groans. In these times, solidarity among people, a strong government and courageous entrepreneurs are...

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SwissNanoAnalytics Platform at the Adolphe Merkle Institute

SwissNanoAnalytics Platform at the Adolphe Merkle Institute

A newly founded platform at the Adolphe Merkle Institute of the University of Fribourg offers analyses and characterizations of nanomaterials in products, materials and biological fluids. SwissNanoAnalytics invited to a kick-off meeting and information event at the...

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Oh Christmas Tree…!

Oh Christmas Tree…!

Dear customers and friends In the age of the climate debate, Christmas preparations have become more complex. That's why we've put together a few tips for sustainable holidays: Even if the Nordmann fir is the most radiant, buy a tree of regional origin, such as a...

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Louise Brown in Switzerland for the first time

Louise Brown in Switzerland for the first time

Louise Brown, the first in vitro baby to be born, recently visited Switzerland for the first time. At the Ferring International Center headquarters in Saint-Prex, she told her story and gave interviews to the employees and media representatives. The picture shows...

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Positioning key opinion leaders and their topics

Positioning key opinion leaders and their topics

Called Medical Writing by some, Doctor Communication or KOL Positioning by others: We support our customers and stakeholder in their communication activities. Doctors and researchers in particular are happy when they can devote their limited time to the actual...

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«Beauty – what else?» Beauty Communications with Impact

«Beauty – what else?» Beauty Communications with Impact

Marianne Guarisco uses for the communications with the customers of her Cosmetic Institute «Beauty – What else?»  a periodical newsletter to existing and potential customers. Recipients stay up to date on developments in the competence areas of cosmetics, permanent...

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Mavena consultation weeks on skin diseases

Mavena consultation weeks on skin diseases

The Mavena consultation weeks will take place for the first time in over 90 pharmacies and drugstores from 1 to 13 October 2018. Pharmacists and pharmaceutical assistants provide competent advice to people with neurodermatitis and psoriasis on their skin issues and...

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Forum on the quality of life of patients

Forum on the quality of life of patients

In 2017, EUPATI Switzerland organised the first Swiss Patient Forum in Olten. This year the event took place in Western Switzerland. On Friday, 28 September 2018, patients, patient representatives and experts from medicine, the world of work and the pharmaceutical...

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Film event with panel discussion on suicide

Film event with panel discussion on suicide

The Office of Health of the Canton of Zug is organising a film event with the documentary «Dem Himmel zu nah» (in English: Too close to heaven) on Wednesday, 12 September from 6.30 to 9.00 pm in the Reformed Church Centre Zug. The event is aimed at interested parties...

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Sihlsana – Sharpening the care services range

Sihlsana – Sharpening the care services range

Sihlsana's wide range of services, from apartments for the elderly to a care centre and residential care and dementia groups, covers various stages and situations in the lives of the residents. However, it is a challenge to clearly differentiate between the individual...

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Systematic lateral thinkers: auticon launches in Switzerland

Systematic lateral thinkers: auticon launches in Switzerland

Social participation, such as integration into the labour market, is difficult for autistic people. The specialized German IT service provider auticon, which announced its business launch in Switzerland in 2018, wants to change this. The company, which is already...

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Brain Days with a focus on Alzheimer’s disease and dementia

Brain Days with a focus on Alzheimer’s disease and dementia

The neuroscience exhibition Brain Days, which Life Science Communication has been running successfully for years in cooperation with neuroscience institutes of universities and technical colleges in Switzerland, will once again be visiting various locations in 2018....

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World Hepatitis Day 2018 – Famous Campaign

World Hepatitis Day 2018 – Famous Campaign

Life Science Communication has again implemented a campaign for Hepatitis Switzerland for the World Hepatitis Day on 28 July 2018. "I've been tested, have you?" Swiss personalities such as the writer Pedro Lenz or the doctor and comedian Fabian Unteregger ask. In...

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Seeing the world with different eyes

Seeing the world with different eyes

To read the newspaper in the morning, to look at the departure board at the train station, to study the menu in the restaurant: everyday life without reading is almost inconceivable for us. But reading is not a matter of course for everyone. More than 300,000 people...

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Successful symposium «Family in crisis»

Successful symposium «Family in crisis»

For the 8th time the Werner Alfred Selo Foundation in cooperation with Life Science Communication organized a symposium on mental health. The all-day event was dedicated to the topic « Family in Crisis - Burnout and Depression between Family and Work». The symposium...

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Patients – the missing puzzle piece

Patients – the missing puzzle piece

The European Patients' Academy on Therapeutic Innovation (EUPATI) is committed to patient-centered research. EUPATI believes that involving patients in research and development leads to better medicines. Therefore, EUPATI is dedicated to the education and training of...

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Brain stimulation in the treatment of depression

Brain stimulation in the treatment of depression

A recent study published in the renowned journal The Lancet shows that repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the brain can help many people with therapy-resistant depression. In half of the people treated, the symptoms are significantly reduced, in...

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DSGVO: Paper tiger or new era for data protection?

DSGVO: Paper tiger or new era for data protection?

The new EU data protection basic regulation - DSGVO for short - came into force in May. A 99-article comprehensive and controversial feat of strength, which gives business, technology and consumers a turbulent time and at the same time reveals the complexity of data...

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The Bernese Oberland will be hosting the Brain Days

The Bernese Oberland will be hosting the Brain Days

The neuroscientific exhibition Brain Days opens its doors in Meiringen on May 5th. Come and explore the exciting world of the brain! On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Privatklinik Meiringen, inquisitive and adventurous people can explore the walk-in...

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Cluster event on innovation in the health tech sector

Cluster event on innovation in the health tech sector

At a recent Health Tech Cluster Switzerland event, around 50 cluster members met at Takeda Pharma AG in Pfaeffikon where they received insights from Roche Diagnostics, Sanitas Health Insurance and Takeda Pharma about their approaches for innovation in digital business...

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Cluster event on innovation in the Health Tech sector

Cluster event on innovation in the Health Tech sector

Within the framework of the events of Health Tech Cluster Switzerland, around 50 cluster members at Takeda Pharma AG in Pfäffikon gained insight into how Roche Diagnostics, Sanitas Health Insurance and Takeda Pharma consistently implement digital business models and...

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Innovation and investment at Ferring

Innovation and investment at Ferring

The Danish pharmaceutical company Ferring Pharmaceuticals is building a new biotech centre at its headquarters in Switzerland, focusing on research and development. The innovative and research-oriented global company, headquartered in Saint-Prex on Lake Geneva,...

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Innovation, science, networking - this is what the new conference Life Science Zurich Impact of the Life Science Zurich Business Network in collaboration with the University of Zurich, the ETH, the Canton of Zurich and the BIO-TECHNOPARK Schlieren-Zurich stands for....

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Expo Nano has settled down in the Hightech Zentrum Aargau

Expo Nano has settled down in the Hightech Zentrum Aargau

After years of travelling through Switzerland, Expo Nano has now found a new home. Since the beginning of 2018 it has been located in the Hightech Centre Aargau. The mobile exhibition shows various aspects of nanotechnology and answers questions such as how: What...

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Online Quiz: Test your knowledge about neurodermatitis

Online Quiz: Test your knowledge about neurodermatitis

In the coming winter months, many of those affected will again suffer more from the tormenting symptoms of neurodermatitis. Life Science Communication was allowed to launch an online quiz about neurodermatitis for the medical product company Mavena. The prizes include...

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A pinch of humour against fears and stigmatisation

A pinch of humour against fears and stigmatisation

Millions of people worldwide are celebrating World AIDS Day again on 1 December. With light projections on public facades in Zurich and Geneva, Life Science Communication, supported by ViiV Healthcare, is once again setting an example this year. The projections show...

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New website times three

New website times three

With websites it is like with apartments - with time a lot accumulates and you lose the overview. In addition, the paint sometimes gets a little out of fashion and it's time for a renovation. For websites this means: It's time for a relaunch. Search and find...

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What patients want and should know

What patients want and should know

The Swiss Association of the European Academy of Patients on Therapeutic Innovations, EUPATI Switzerland, held the first Swiss Patient Forum on patient information on 27 October 2017. The aim was for various Swiss patient organisations to network and work together to...

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10 Years Life Science Communication

10 Years Life Science Communication

Life Science Communication became 10 years old – and that wanted to be celebrated. Numerous guests, customers and partners joined us in the newly opened cultural centre Kosmos to toast the agency’s birthday. The relaxed evening was accompanied by culinary delights and...

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pride ouest 2017 with political celebrities

pride ouest 2017 with political celebrities

The pride ouest, which took place in Bern at the end of August, attracted around 8,000 participants and onlookers. Celebrations were held on the Bundesplatz, Waisenhausplatz and Progr-Hof in summer temperatures. Among the highlights were the performances on the big...

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Campaign “Hepatitis? Create certainty!

Campaign “Hepatitis? Create certainty!

On World Hepatitis Day, the Swiss Hepatitis Strategy launches the Life Science campaign "Test your hepatitis risk now". Create certainty". The campaign calls for a risk check and enables a free hepatitis test. Videos with whiteboard drawings illustrate the facts and...

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Life Science Communication Excursion

Life Science Communication Excursion

At this year's agency excursion, the team from Life Science Communication wanted to get high in the sky. We travelled on the Beatenberg and glided with our tandem partners over the turquoise blue Lake Thun. After the soft landing we let the warm summer evening end...

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Explainer videos about NRP 64

Explainer videos about NRP 64

In June 2017, the closure event of the National Research Programme NRP 64 "Opportunities and Risks of Nanomaterials" took place. To inform the wider public about the findings of NRP 64, Life Science Communication produced explainer videos. They explain the results of...

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pride ouest 2017: End discrimination

pride ouest 2017: End discrimination

The pride ouest 2017 is just around the corner and we are back again! With our information stands we would like to fight against the discrimination of HIV sufferers and the LGBT community and draw attention to the UNAIDS health goals. Our motto is therefore "Defeat...

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Zurich Pride 2017 was a great success

Zurich Pride 2017 was a great success

From 9 to 10 June 2017, the Swiss-German LGBT community once again celebrated the Zurich Pride Festival. The summer temperatures attracted around 37,000 visitors to the barracks area in the city centre. The Swiss AIDS Federation and Checkpoint Zurich once again...

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First Specialty Rx Symposium – a successful event

First Specialty Rx Symposium – a successful event

On the occasion of its 20th anniversary, MediService organized the first Specialty Rx Symposium in May 2017. Renowned speakers highlighted various aspects of Specialty Care: Per Troein from IMS Health presented the economic point of view, Prof. Elisabeth Minder and...

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Successful Press Conference on Conclusion of the NRP 64

Successful Press Conference on Conclusion of the NRP 64

In April, the National Research Programme NRP 64 about the opportunities and risks of nanomaterials presented its findings and synthesis products at a national press conference. Different research projects, the Final Brochure and the White Paper were shown. In the...

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Successful launch of the MEDICAL BEAUTY CIRCLE

Successful launch of the MEDICAL BEAUTY CIRCLE

Jean-Pierre Rosselet Cosmetics AG successfully launched the new MEDICAL BEAUTY CIRCLE service as part of an all-day symposium. Around 300 specialist cosmetic institutes throughout Switzerland now have access to the specialist online portal, which is intended to...

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10 years Life Science Communication – Happy Birthday!

10 years Life Science Communication – Happy Birthday!

Exactly ten years ago, at the beginning of March 2007, Life Science Communication was launched and has since become an integral part of the Swiss agency landscape. To celebrate the day, the birthday cake was delivered in the morning! In September, Life Science...

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International nano expert for NRP 64 video project

International nano expert for NRP 64 video project

The National Research Programme NRP 64 on the opportunities and risks of nanomaterials is about to be completed. In order for the general public to be informed about the findings of this programme, the results of the complex research projects must be explained in a...

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Video animations: How Mavena works

Video animations: How Mavena works

Psoriasis and neurodermatitis are chronic inflammatory skin diseases. These inflammations of the skin can be treated without cortisone with medical products from Mavena. The animations of Mavena show to the persons concerned and specialists the causes of these...

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New brand strategy for the Swiss Spitex Association

New brand strategy for the Swiss Spitex Association

The non-profit Spitex from Switzerland introduced a new brand strategy in 2017. For the first time, the association of around 570 non-profit Spitex organisations in Switzerland will have a common and uniform brand identity. The new Spitex brand will be used throughout...

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The new Suva website is online

The new Suva website is online

Just in time for the start of the new year, Suva has launched its new website. The design and operation are now in line with current requirements. Suva relied on the support of Life Science Communication for the extensive large-scale project. In the Content...

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Bye Bye Expo Nano – Last panel discussion

Bye Bye Expo Nano – Last panel discussion

On 10 January 2017 the last panel discussion took place in the cantonal secondary school Uri in Altdorf in the context of the Expo Nano. In a beautiful old chapel numerous students, but also many interested people from the population of Uri gathered to follow the...

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Fondue chat with Casea AG

Fondue chat with Casea AG

Shortly before Christmas our office colleagues Casea invited us to an event of a special kind: a fondue barrel fun. The Fondue Caquelon stands directly on a barrel to accommodate up to 8 people. The bread baskets are attached to the side, and for the wine glasses...

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Colourful greetings to the new year!

Colourful greetings to the new year!

Annual accounts, work pressure and Christmas preparations - in the stress of the end of the year, the contemplativeness of the pre-Christmas period often falls by the wayside. That's why we suggest that you treat yourself to a moment of rest with our Mandala. You can...

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Panel discussion at the cantonal secondary school Uri

Panel discussion at the cantonal secondary school Uri

Expo Nano was a guest at the cantonal secondary school in Uri in Altdorf until January 2017. The exhibition explored the questions "What makes nanoparticles so special" and "What opportunities and risks arise from new technologies". Peter Gehr, President of NRP 64,...

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World AIDS Day: for a new perspective on HIV

World AIDS Day: for a new perspective on HIV

A paradigm shift is imminent: World AIDS Day in 2016 was no longer just about solidarity, sadness and compassion for people living with HIV and AIDS. Thanks to great advances in treatment and prevention in recent years, it is time for a new perspective on HIV. With...

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Brain Days at the Salon Planète Santé

Brain Days at the Salon Planète Santé

The Brain Days neuroscience exhibition, developed by Life Science Communication in collaboration with neuroscience institutes at Swiss universities and technical colleges, will once again take place in French-speaking Switzerland at the end of the year. The Brain Days...

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Last chance to visit the Expo Nano – in Altdorf!

Last chance to visit the Expo Nano – in Altdorf!

The Expo Nano will remain a guest at the cantonal secondary school in Uri in Altdorf until 13 January 2017. The exhibition will explore the questions „What makes nanoparticles so special?“ and „What opportunities and risks arise from new technologies?“. At a panel...

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Training event on HIV and Hepatitis C

Training event on HIV and Hepatitis C

The newly founded association EUPATI CH is organising a first training event for patients and patient organisations on 25 November 2016. On the occasion of World AIDS Day on 1 December, the event will focus on HIV and Hepatitis C. There will be two presentations and a...

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Health Tech Cluster Switzerland expands its branding

Health Tech Cluster Switzerland expands its branding

Health Tech Cluster Switzerland has further developed its branding and launched the new website with a multi-channel implementation. Both the website and the digital newsletter are convincing in a new, fresh design, and the cluster uses specific event labels to...

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Relaunch of the Mavena website

Relaunch of the Mavena website

The new website of Mavena International AG was launched at the beginning of September 2016. Life Science Communication was able to implement the relaunch, which took place at the beginning of September, for the internationally active medical device company. With its...

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Search engine advertising for the  Medical Centres Geissberg

Search engine advertising for the Medical Centres Geissberg

Who searches, googles. With the use of search engine advertising (SEA), medical offers can also be specifically advertised on the Internet. That is why the Medical Centres Geissberg (MZG) are now using SEA with Google AdWords with the help of Life Science...

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Campaign launched for World Hepatitis Day 2016

Campaign launched for World Hepatitis Day 2016

To mark World Hepatitis Day on 28 July, the Swiss Hepatitis Strategy Network, together with the Life Science Communication agency, is launching the campaign «Greatest Hits – Greatest Risks 1950 – 1985». The aim of the campaign is to sensitize the Swiss population to...

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Content transformation for new Suva website

Content transformation for new Suva website

The major project for the relaunch of the entire Suva website involves numerous internal and external Suva teams. Life Science Communication has the task of supporting Suva with editorial work in the Content Transformation subproject. The new website will be developed...

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With UNAIDS at the Swiss Pride Events 2016

With UNAIDS at the Swiss Pride Events 2016

On two summer weekends in June, the Swiss Pride Festivals took place in Zurich and Fribourg. Both events had a record number of visitors, in Zurich more than 30'000 people visited the festival area. Life Science Communication again organized a stand, together with...

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Successful 6th symposium of the Werner Alfred Selo Foundation!

Successful 6th symposium of the Werner Alfred Selo Foundation!

Under the title «Battery empty? Mental stress at the workplace», around 200 HR specialists reported and discussed with affected persons and relatives how to deal with a topic that must finally be removed from the taboo zone so that mental illnesses can be prevented,...

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Self-degradable heart implants

Self-degradable heart implants

The young company Xeltis, headquartered in Zurich, focuses on the globally standardized implantation of heart valves. Bioabsorbable valves and vessels have been developed from the medical technology research facility, which enable the body's own tissue to renew itself...

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Natural ingredients against skin diseases

Natural ingredients against skin diseases

Psoriasis and neurodermatitis (atopic dermatitis) are among the most common chronic inflammatory skin diseases worldwide. The skin of an affected person reacts to various environmental stimuli with redness, itching or weeping. Between relapses, however, the skin is...

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EUPATI Switzerland wants to turn patients into experts

EUPATI Switzerland wants to turn patients into experts

The European Patients' Academy for Therapeutic Innovation (EUPATI) was launched in Switzerland in February 2016. The aim is to provide patients with better information about new therapies and treatment options and thus enable them to take a stand as patient...

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Invitation to Paris for the Brain Days

Invitation to Paris for the Brain Days

The neuroscientific exhibition Brain Days, which Life Science Communication has been successfully running for years in cooperation with neuroscientific institutes at Swiss universities and technical colleges, will again visit various locations in 2016. A special...

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Shining Red Ribbons for Solidarity

Shining Red Ribbons for Solidarity

Light projections will be shown in Zurich and Lausanne on the occasion of World AIDS Day on 1 December. The actions are a sign of solidarity with people living with HIV and AIDS. To ensure that HIV and AIDS are not forgotten, a huge Red Ribbon will light up the façade...

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Forecasting in the pharmaceutical industry

Forecasting in the pharmaceutical industry

Making well-founded predictions plays a decisive role in the pharmaceutical industry. Forecasting influences various areas within an organization: sales, marketing, production and portfolio management are just a few of them. It is therefore not surprising that the...

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6’000 steps for the heart in September 2015

6’000 steps for the heart in September 2015

A strong and healthy heart - that's what we all want. And we can also do a lot to make this wish come true. Because the key is: Move! If every step counts and something good is done for the heart, then the Benefit Walk will take place on 29 September as part of World...

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MEDICAL BEAUTY CIRCLE launched at the 12th Trade Congress

MEDICAL BEAUTY CIRCLE launched at the 12th Trade Congress

Jean-Pierre Rosselet Cosmetics AG launched the new MEDICAL BEAUTY CIRCLE service at its 12th Congress for Cosmetics on 12 September 2015 in front of around 200 professional beauticians and a cosmetic institute. The MEDICAL BEAUTY CIRCLE offers medical cosmetics from a...

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Life Science Communication member of the BPRA

Life Science Communication member of the BPRA

Just in time for the company's fifth anniversary, Life Science Communication was accepted into the Swiss Association of Public Relations Agencies BPRA on 2 November 2012. Further information can be found in the attached media release.

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